Watch as I turn $1,000 into over $40,000 in under 40 days — all caught on camera. Follow each step of my real estate wholesaling adventure, no strings attached. And get ready for a big twist: I didn’t just hit $40,000…. I went way beyond. Watch now to learn how!
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My Driving for Dollars Criteria
Drive along in the passenger seat and see how to quickly (and cheaply) build a massive list of distressed and potentially vacant properties. Using the tips and tricks I share, you'll be able to build a list of high-quality leads no other investor has.
Cold Calling Scripts
EXACTLY what to say on the phone so you can overcome call reluctance and speak with confidence and ease (it’s so simple anyone can learn it almost immediately).
Advanced Negotiating Tactics
How to handle the 6 “knee-jerk” responses you’ll get from sellers (including the ‘YES in disguise’), methods to help you stay in control of the conversation, and what to say to uncover your seller's lowest possible price (without blowing the deal in the process).
Getting Sellers to Know, Like, and Trust You
How to open the call and develop INSTANT trust so motivated sellers will open up and tell you about their property, timeline, motivation, and price (the ‘4 Pillars’ of pre-qualifying)
Finding Cash Buyers
Here's what to do once you have a deal under contract and need to find a cash buyer. See how I get the highest and best offers from my buyers and make the maximum assignment fee from each deal.
Secrets from a 7-Figure Wholesaler
PLUS: How to get deals from people who say NO (this simple tactic has helped me get a ton of deals)… the only time you should drop everything and RACE to the property… and more!